Legal mentions

Legal mentions

Publisher Information:

Headquarters: 10 rue du Havre, 75009 Paris
Telephone: +33 1 72 38 43 51
Simplified limited liablity company with a capital of 511 015 €
RCS Paris: 843 360 447
Siret: 843 360 447 00034
Intra-community VAT number: FR 89 843 360 447
APE Code: 6201Z – Computer programming
Hosting Information:
Headquarters: 16 rue du Général Alain de Boissieu, 75015 Paris
Telephone: +33 9 70 83 1023
Limited company with a capital of 3 423 265 598,40 €
RCS Paris: 343 059 564
Siret: 343 059 564 00793
Intra-community VAT number: FR 71 343 059 564
APE Code: 6120Z – Wireless Telecommunications
Publication Director:
Rémi PERTHUISOT – President
  • Purpose of the processing

Muvraline France SAS, whose registered office is located at 10, rue du Havre, 75009 Paris, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 843360447, with a share capital of 511,015 euros, represented by Rémi PERTHUISOT, its Chairman (hereinafter “Muvraline France”), processes your data for the purposes of communication and/or commercial prospecting in order to offer and present its products and services to you and to communicate with you.

  • Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing is:

  • Your consent if you have expressly agreed that Muvraline France may contact you (for example by filling in the demo request form on our website) or if you have given your consent to a third party for your data to be passed on to its commercial partners, of which Muvraline France is one;
  • The legitimate interest of Muvraline France, in particular to develop its customer base. In this case, your data has been collected by Muvraline France from publicly available sources;
  • The performance of a contract if you are part of a client company of Muvraline France;
  • Data concerned by the processing

The personal data concerned by the processing is your surname, your first name, your e-mail address, your telephone/fax number, the company in which you work, your job title, and any other information you may provide to us in the course of any exchanges with us.

  • Recipients of the data

Your personal data may be communicated to authorised Muvraline France personnel and to our service providers for the sole purpose of communication and prospecting. In this context, your data remains under our control and Muvraline France requires its service providers to implement strict confidentiality and data protection measures and to respect the legislation applicable to the processing of your data.

Apart from the cases set out above, Muvraline France undertakes not to give access to your data to third parties without your prior consent unless it is required to do so for a legitimate reason (legal obligation, fight against fraud or abuse, exercise of the rights of defence, etc.).

  • Transfer of data

No data is transferred outside the European Union.

  • Duration of conservation

Your data is kept for a maximum period of 3 years from the date of its collection, the last contact from you if you are a prospect or the end of the commercial relationship if you are a client company of Muvraline France, it being specified that you can object to the processing of your personal data at any time.

  • Your rights

If the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time by sending an email to

In any case, you can object to the processing of your personal data by sending an e-mail to

You may also access your personal data and request its deletion and/or rectification or exercise your right to the portability of your data as well as to the limitation of processing.

To exercise these rights or for any questions about the processing of your data under this scheme, you may in parallel contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) whose contact details are given below.

If, after having contacted us, you believe that your data protection rights have not been respected or that the data collection system does not comply with data protection rules, you can submit a complaint to the CNIL.

Contact details of the DPO:

Muvraline France SAS – DPO
10 rue du Havre
75009 PARIS

If you have a complaint about Muvraline France’s application of the ISO 27001 standard, please contact